Olympic Fitness Tricks.

Having a tough time motivating yourself to go for a jog? Just imagine if exercise was your job. Welcome to the life of an Olympian. Even though they might seem superhuman, they too have to employ tricks and strategies to stay motivated and on-track. And guess what? You can use the same tricks to achieve your own fitness goals. Here are some tips you can use, i hope they help.

1. Workout buddies are key.

Working out with a friend can also motivate you to work harder, like it does for Lauren Wenger, a current member of the USA Water Polo Women’s National Team and Olympic silver medalist. “When I see a teammate working hard, it pushes me that much more,” says Wenger.

2. Put it on paper.

Do you ever find yourself in the gym, unable to remember how many reps you did last week? Jot down what you plan to accomplish at the gym before you go, bring a pen or pencil and keep track as you go.

3. Schedule it.

Elite athletes currently in training have no choice but to carve out time to do their workouts, but past Olympians, like Kristi Yamaguchi, a former figure skater and Olympic gold medalist, understand the importance of scheduling exercise. Even though it might not be your job, you can still treat exercise as one of your main priorities by scheduling it like you would any other important meeting.

4. When it comes to nutrition, boring is OK.

The old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” applies to healthy eating, too. “Every single day, no matter where I am, I always eat one pack of instant oatmeal with a huge scoop of peanut butter for breakfast,” says Wenger. “It keeps me fueled and gives me enough energy for the morning practice.” Why change it up when you find something that works?

5. Rest doesn’t always mean sedentary.

Just because you’re taking a day off from working out doesn’t mean you should sit on the couch for the next 24 hours. Staying active on down days actually makes you feel better the rest of the week, Doing something low key, like going for a walk, gets the blood flowing and results in more productive training days. Walking on the treadmill or outside helps muscles relax and loosen up.

6. Have a goal in mind.

“I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” says Michael Phelps, The most decorated Olympian of all time. If you don’t have something to work for, it’s easy to get side-tracked. You might not be reaching for a gold medal, but you can sign up for an exercise challenge.

7. Find what works for you.

If a workout or habit seems silly but is completely safe and helps you get healthy, then who cares how embarrassing it is!

8. Take vitamins as insurance.

In an ideal world, everyone would get the necessary vitamins and nutrients from food, but sometimes that’s not possible, so taking a multivitamin as a backup plan might be a good idea. Talk to your doctor about your daily diet and see if it could help you.

9. Stay hydrated.

Hydration is really important!!!! Besides the obvious need for water when you’re exercising (and sweating!) a lot, keeping yourself hydrated can help you stay energized.

10. Diversify your fitness portfolio.

Even though most Olympians spend countless hours playing one sport, adding another active hobby can have major benefits. Like Usain Bolt, he likes playing soccer, hoping that one day he will join Manchester united.

Hope you try this tricks and i know it will definitely work. feel free to comment below, share, Thank you.


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